2013 November

Monday, November 18, 2013

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no trespass18[Grinder Pumps] It has been reported that two as yet unidentified persons have been entering properties on Ramrod and snooping about the yards, even past legally posted no trespassing signs. When approached by one homeowner, they threatened the person with home condemnation unless they signed an easement to FKAA for a sewer grinder pump station installation. The person became frightened, signed and the signature was notarized on the spot. The “one dollar” supposedly received as payment for the easement was not given. It appears that if you are not promptly sending FKAA their grinder pump station easement when requested, then FKAA mafia thugs will be visiting without an invitation to “make you an offer you can’t refuse.”

How long before this gets violent? As I was taught, a transfer of property rights signed under duress (threatening pressure)and/or without consideration (the dollar)is not legal or binding. What I am not sure about is how this person goes about getting that easement voided. Would someone knowledgeable please share that information on this site?


[“Trucking yard waste outside of Monroe County to mulch it”] Much of locally trashed yard waste contains a significant amount of invasive exotic material such as Brazilian Peppers, lead trees, etc. Mulching such material does not remove viable seeds in most cases. As a result, general mulching and reuse of much of locally trashed yard waste material only spreads the very exotics that federal, state and local governments are spending considerable money to remove.

There are always two sides to every story.


[Restaurant Review] That’s great news about KiKi’s Sandbar opening on Little Torch – I hope they keep the sashimi tuna that Parrotdise made, but only a little fresher, and that they don’t serve any wine named after the owner’s favorite body part.

That upper Keys restaurant is really named the Hideaway and they know that the Grouper is really tilapia. Nobody deserves to be served a big guppy sandwich. I am sure somebody likes tilapia, but not anybody that I have met.

Springer’s claims to have a good fish sandwich, but I haven’t tried it yet. We went there only because the CT said it was a good place and it was.(Ed, you said to tell you). Service was a bit slow both times but the steak in the Philly Steak was the best meat I have had in a Philly Steak in the Keys and I have been around. Beats Hog Fish Grill. I like Springer’s, they have honest food.

Nobody that I have tried makes a good pizza in the lower Keys. We have not had a Springer’s Pizza yet. Anybody got any good tips on where to find a good pizza pie? How about a good Italian sub? Pastrami?

I am getting hungry again and Winn Dixie prices make it cheaper to eat out then cooking at home. Winn Dixie has gone bat shit crazy on meat prices.



Durham City is transformed by light into a giant outdoor gallery as the Lumiere festival gets under way. This picture shows Solar Equation, a representation of the sun which is exactly 100 million times smaller that the real star.

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Radio Shack Ad pixlr9.16.13

[“Rowell’s Marina will actually bring in money to offset the cost of the purchase“] Sure it will (sarcasm). And you must still believe in the Tooth Fairy.  Maybe a long time in the future, after spending millions on another project that will suck money from the taxpayers, this might, just might, maybe, begin to pay for itself someday.  

In the meantime, while we are struggling with outrageous sewer assessments and outrageous increases in insurance rates that may put people out of their homes, our County Commission seems to have a few million dollars of our tax money to buy another experiment — and at a higher price than appraised.  Who in their right mind would pay a couple of hundred thousand dollars higher than appraisal?   So much for fiscal responsibility, common sense and looking out for us, the little folks, who pay tax the bills for their spending.



These hungry egrets got a beak full of feathers as they battled it out to claim territory of a popular fishing lake. The stunning white birds snapped at each others’ necks and spread their wings in an aggressive display to win rights to the feeding area.

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grape kool-aid

On this day in 1978 Jim Jones, a U.S. pastor, led 914 of his followers to their deaths at Jonestown, Guyana, by drinking a cyanide-laced grape Kool-aid. Cult members who refused to swallow the drink were shot.

R/V For Sale. 1997 Citation 5th wheel. 31 ft over all. 1 slide out, new tires, new electric full size fridge, some extras too. Located in Big Pine Key. Looking for a fast sale for $3000 OBO. Please call Bill 732-267-1792 Classified Ads > Autos



Today in 1928 Mickey Mouse made his debut in Steamboat Willie.

[Foreign Aid] How does a country with trillions of dollars in debt, give out billions of dollars in financial aid to other countries?

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constitution_thumb_295_dark_gray_bg[Constitution Question] Answer to #6 B, To secure the rights of the people.

From the Declaration of Independence “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.-That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,”

Question #7 Article IV of the Constitution requires the United States to guarantee what form of government to the States.
A.     Representative
B.     Two Party
C.     Republican
D.    Democratic

Copies of the Constitution and Declaration of independence are now available for free at Jigs, Coconuts and Molly’s Pawn on Big Pine.


Condoms do not provide safe sex any longer.  My buddy was wearing one when the woman’s husband shot him!

switch on off


A house is not a home until you can find all light switches in the dark. 


I watched a short guitar session on cable T/V last night featuring Joe Walsh and realized that I too, am an Analog Man (full).

christmas bazaarThis year the annual San Pablo Women’s Club Christmas Bazaar will be held November 23rd and 24th. Something for everyone—arts, crafts, stocking stuffers, baked goods, snacks, and lots of vintage items. A raffle will include great gift ideas such as a Julie Joyce Water Color, Beautiful handmade commemorative Christmas quilt, $50 gift Certificate from Frank’s, fresh Stone Crab claws, etc. San Pablo’s is located in Marathon at 550 122nd St. Ocean, MM53.5. Events

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When some people post stuff on here about how the American people this, and the American people that, wouldn’t it be more accurate to say some of the American people instead?  That goes for the politicians too.



Bonito Bowrider 17 ft. 1980 – 70 HP Johnson with trailer, great bimini top, custom covers and upholstery. Looks good and in running condition. Asking $1,500 OBO Classified Ads > Boats

Have you ever wanted to say thank you to a soldier. Video
nira tocco realtor 9.12
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dually18[Big Trucks] It’s simple to tell a working dually from a redneck status symbol dually. The redneck dually has the really hot gal in Daisy Dukes riding shotgun and has 10 inch chrome exhaust stacks — that’s a dead giveaway. You don’t see the hotties riding shotgun in a Prius!

[Citizen of the Day Says]  Likes that the people of Key West seem to want to express, not impress.

isaksen-flood 4.23.13

[Immigration] The Who frontman Roger Daltrey has slammed the British Labor Party for its lax immigration policy which he says “destroyed the jobs of my mates.” In a candid interview published this weekend in The Sunday Times magazine, Daltrey said he would never forgive the party which he used to support for welcoming the influx of immigrants, a policy he blames for the unemployment among Britain’s working class.

“I will never, ever forgive the Labor Party for allowing this mass immigration with no demands put on what people should be paid when they come to this country. I will never forgive them for destroying the jobs of my mates, because they allowed their jobs to be undercut with stupid thinking on Europe, letting them all in, so they can live 10 to a room, working for Polish wages,” Daltrey told the Sunday Times. Link

welcome blue purple


Welcome aboard Kiki’s Sandbar. We can always use a nice spot to eat and have a cocktail. We sure can use the jobs Kiki’s will offer. Small business is the backbone of our economy.  ~Coconuts Lounge

Parent upset about their child losing their recess. Why doesn’t the parent get upset about the child’s poor behavior? If he is not happy with the way the school is handling his child’s poor behavior, why doesn’t he take the child to a different school? Private schools are schools of choice.

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[Paper and the Constitution] Why destroy trees? If you want the Constitution, you can just go here: Link

Isn’t the Internet grand?

[Fun Fact] If you read one of FTR’s posts out loud, the plants in your house will suddenly wither and die.


[Don’t bring back free mulch] Don’t use the free mulch offered by Monroe County, it aids in the spread of invasive plant species in the Keys. All it takes is a few seed branches mixed in with the good stuff and a few years later you are spending a fortune trying to get rid of it. No I have no connection to Waste Management. Link



So this is what they meant when they said Texas wants to secede! 

[Arab Big Bucks] Boeing just received a 95,000,000,000 order, yes billion, at the recent Dubai Air Show (must have been some show!) for 150 777s. They were ordered by the Arab Emirates.


[“Speccy”] I use the free computer information software too. I uses it mainly to monitor the temperature of my computer parts, but the latest version is unstable in many computers. That’s likely the reason you got the reading of 241° on your motherboard. Version 1.22.537 is stable and I downloaded that one from Piriform who also make the indispensable CCLeaner. Link

spy camera


[Mail Peepers] I was deployed in the MidEast a couple years ago when my honey sent me a birthday card and photo of her and my birthday candle. When my birthday card finally arrived, the envelope had been opened and the birthday candle was missing.

You’re damn right the “20-year and outers”[?] who would otherwise be living in Section 8 housing if they didn’t work at the USPS, are going through our stuff, and so are the Feds photographing all the mail sent.

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I put people who wave around the Constitution and the Bible in the same category, a little nutsy and kind of scary.

religion politics zone

Sea level has risen 9 inches in South Florida over the past century (unless you’re a Republican and still in denial).



[35 years after Jonestown] The quintessential example of what the Left would make of the world if given the chance.

[Healthcare] I have a question for the Conservatives on here telling us daily about our healthcare being socialist. Look up the definition of the term Socialism and tell us how our healthcare being turned over to non-government corporate insurers is Socialism. Obama has turned over our health care to Corporate America. The only difference is that now everyone is required to buy it and the benefits are enormous.

[Priorities] Regressives think that fast food workers, working for minimum wage, should buy their own health insurance for about $900 to $1200 a month for their young family and forgo food and rent and transportation.

We need more national health insurance and less Regressives.



John bomb-the-hell-out-of-’em McCain is a deterrent to peace in the world. Dinosaurs like him have to go. He has never studied a problem that he didn’t think could be fixed with bombs. He still thinks we’re in the cold war. Look at his last call for bombs in Syria. If the President had listened to him a bad situation would have become worse and our world credibility would have been further eroded. The whole Arab Spring is turning out to be worse for everyone than if it never happened. Muslims with their middle ages thinking only respect strength. Everyone in the middleast is worse now than before the Arab Spring. Bombs don’t make peace. There was another suicide bomber in Iraq yesterday. 

Hitler finds out that his health plan has been canceled. Video

Did Archie Bunker see Obama coming?  Video

graph stock up


[Economy] Regressives don’t seem to be picking on Obama any longer about his handling of the economy as a matter of fact they never even mention it any more. Could it be because the DOW has broken all previous records and passed the 16,000 mark?

Let’s now wait for the FTR Guy to tell that Obama’s success is because of Tea Party policies. I’m sure he could find a website somewhere to confirm it.

[Regressive Hypocrisy #7] 100% of Republicans voted no to raising the minimum wage. The GOP and Speaker Boehner continue to oppose raising the minimum wage even though Gallup Poll indicates that 76% of Americans want to raise it from $7.25 to $9 and 71% want to raise it to $10.10 per hour. How many Republicans would work for $7.25 an hour? I thought so.

FTR started his post with “snarky”. Well, done with FTR’s snarky diatribes. No more reading FTR.

I like the Regressive Hypocrisy stuff. Regressives sound off about being so ideological until they disagree or their money is involved. Then out goes their ideology.

from the right

spending cutYesterday the supremely uninformed poster struck again. S/he blamed the Republicans for cuts in spending for SNAP, WIC, and Head Start. S/he labeled the post “Regressive Hypocrisy #6.” The thoroughly progressively inculcated and addled poster ignores the fact that each of those programs are “discretionary spending.” The poster chooses to ignore the fact that the cuts in discretionary spending were mandated by the sequester, aka the Budget Control act of 2011. The sequester was fully and totally the idea of the White House, it was not a Republican idea. It passed the Democrat controlled Senate, the Republican controlled house and was signed into law by Obama.

Speaking of hypocrisy, The Huffington Post has an interesting article dated 10/29/13 entitled: “Democrats Protest $5 Billion Food Stamp Cut They Voted For.” It’s worth a read. Link

Part 2.) Just for the record, contrary to the claim of a D/L/P poster the other day, the Republicans did and do have a comprehensive plan to drive down the cost of health care. If the Republican plan had been implemented, we wouldn’t now be staring at a meltdown of our health care system. What follows is a rough outline of our plan.

• Brings greater fairness to the tax code by extending tax savings to those who currently do not have employer-provided insurance but purchase health insurance on their own. This provision would provide an “above the line” deduction that is equal to the cost of an individual’s or family’s insurance premiums.

• Provides immediate substantial financial assistance, through new refundable and advanceable tax credits, to low- and modest-income Americans.

• Recognizes that many Americans who have not yet hit retirement age but may be changing jobs or have lost a job often face higher health care costs. To help those aged 55 to 64, the plan increases support for pre- and early-retirees with low- and modest-incomes.

• Recognizes that one of the largest obstacles for many small businesses when it comes toretaining current employees or creating new jobs is the cost of health insurance. The Republican plan allows states, small businesses, associations, and other organizations to band together and offer health insurance at lower costs.

• Implements comprehensive medical liability reform that will reduce costly, unnecessary defensive medicine practiced by doctors trying to protect themselves from overzealous trial lawyers.

• Provides Medicare and Medicaid with additional authority and resources to stop waste, fraud, and abuse that costs taxpayers billions of dollars every year.

• Creates incentives to save now for future and long-term health care needs by improving health savings accounts and flexible spending arrangements as well as creating new tax benefits to offset the cost of long-term care premiums.

• Gives financial help to caregivers who provide in-home care for a loved one.

There is a great deal more to our plan, I urge you to check it out. I’ll ask our Deer Ed not to simply cite the link, and suggest that you use the search term  “House GOP Solutions Group Outlines Health Care” That will take you to a CBS pdf file on the Republican plan.

I think that if you read it you will agree that it makes much more sense than Democare and will not force any American to buy a product that they may or may not want, nor need. It would not deprive tens millions who are satisfied with their health insurance, nor would it result in tens of thousands if not millions of Americans losing their jobs or their employer supplied/subsided health care coverage.  Most importantly, millions, perhaps tens of millions would not know be staring at cancelation of their health care policies, and huge increases in the cost of their health care.

dolphins logo

Part 3) How about those freaking Dolphins! What a great game. Even with all the crap about Incognito and Martin they did an exceptional job yesterday. Way to go Dolphins!