2014 July

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

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The-Coconut-Telegraph-w-CoconutsThe Original Unsocial Media. Anonymous Letters to the Editor with Pictures. Published Daily by Noon Since 2002. No Saturday Edition

switch22[Environmental Paranoia] My wife has succumbed to a new form of mental illness which I will call environmental paranoia. She is obsessed with turning lights off, unplugged our second refrigerator, keeps AC on bare minimum–if at all, even unplugs toaster, coffee pot and microwave when not in use to save the electricity that runs the LED display!
And forget about water conservation. I can’t shave or brush my teeth with running water anymore–wastes too much, she says. Laundry must be totally full loads, cold water only. I’ll spare you the details about flushing the toilet.
What the hell is this? She used to be normal; now this rules her life. I’m not being sarcastic or flippant about this. I subscribe to environmentally good practices as well, but she’s over the top on this. I wonder if any others have come across this yet?

I think it all started when she bought a Prius!

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seahorse[“Seahorse Campground”] A deal was brokered between a Stock Island entity and the owner of Seahorse campground, 100 of the affordable housing units are being moved to Stock Island to support the building of a hotel of 100 rooms. That means that 100+ residents of the campground will have to move. Some say that is not a bad thing based on the population of the campground, but the question is where will they go? Some will have to leave, and how many jobs will that vacate? Possibly in the future Habitat for Humanity will be able to provide 25 units for housing, but when? Our current commissioner was in the middle of the negotiations. Please pay attention to the issues and candidates of this election. It is more important then you realize.
[Lobster Poachers Off No Name Key] Officers charged Morales and Rodriguez (from Marathon on a Jetski) with a felony count of destruction of evidence and misdemeanor counts of possession of 25 out of season lobsters, possession of 21 undersized lobsters, possession of seven speared lobsters, no lobster measuring device while in the water, no life jacket while operating at personal watercraft, expired vessel registration, no registration decal displayed, no registration certificate on board and no saltwater fishing license, an illegal form of harvest.
[Old Bridges] This picture should settle the question of the old bridges having rebar or not. They do. Also the aggregate doesn’t look like granite to me. It looks more like marl.
[“Can you eat Jewfish”] Yes, they’re kosher.
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netflix tv
has 50 million subscribers. Could it be because TV is all ads? The news programs last minutes have 4 of news and 7 of commercials and nothing else to watch. Doesn’t the cable companies know they are losing millions of subscribers because of their bad decisions and not giving us what we want? Netflix does
The tragedy of the Malaysian jet shot down by Russian separatists brings to mind the tragedy of Iranian flight 655 shot down by the USS Vincennes in 1988 killing all 290 on board. Lest us never forget that innocents die in the fog of war. Link
[Small Towns] I love it when the big news is that our favorite bartender, George, is back. Where is Tarpon Springs and is there a bus? He used to pour vodka on the top of the bar at the Tiki and then light it up. I watched for sparks to ignite the dried palm in the roof. Now that would have been a happening!
parking-spot00The biggest problem with trailering your boat is the lack of parking at the ramps. Dumb ass government spent a bundle on the ramp at the Spanish Harbor, then put up guardrails so that there are only 5 boat trailer parking spaces left and 3 of them are parallel parking! And some inconsiderate twerp fishing on the bridge always seems to be parked in a trailer spot so he doesn’t need to carry his cooler so far (offload your gear and park in a car spot).
The public ramp on Cudjoe is a trailer destroying atrocity into skinny water and no boat trailer parking per se, but at least you can park along the road and just have a long walk. The ramp at Little Torch has very limited parking across the street and some butthead always seems to park in the middle of the lot so you can’t get in or out. The mangroves on both sides of that ramp need to go, they are not protecting any shoreline or harboring juvenile fish, they are just making it difficult to get your boat’s line from the dock to the ramp. The ramp by the 7 Mile Bridge is into such shallow water that is worthless for most boats bigger than a kayak, but at least there is parking
[“Seahorse Campground”] From what I heard on US1 radio the owner of the Seahorse property is using th ROGO points to develop a luxury hotel on Stock Island on property they own. The trade off would be that the old Seahorse property would have to be restored to its natural state. Pine trees, mangroves, plants native to this area. A small portion would be developed to modular homes at market prices or I doubt it but possibly, Habitat for Humanity homes that may be affordable to some.
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coconut drink
[“Tainted coconut water”] I believe commercial coconut water comes from the Philippines not the Keys. There is no commercial operation here. There is no farm able to produce the amount of nuts needed for any size commercial operation.
[Thinking of Moving to BPK] One retired and one still working middle aged factory workers thinking of moving to Big Pine, looking for pros and cons. Looking forward to hearing from you.
[“Eimers Death”] Chief Donny Lee KWPD, did you see the news last night? If not, it showed 8 police officers killing man with his hands up in the air to surrender. Ring a bell?
[Bedbugs] Valuable knowledge to make your home bed bug bite resistant. If they can’t feed, they can’t breed. Link
[“Seahorse Campground”] There was an article in the Barometer about Seahorse Park. The group that owns it also owns the new motel going in on Stock Island and they are transferring the rental license for 100 units down there, only leaving about 25 of them for Seahorse.That’s my understanding anyway
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higher power22
[“Holy roller AA meetings”
] AA is based on belief in a “higher power”. If you can’t put yourself in the care of a higher power you’ll have to go elsewhere for your drinking problem. regardless, get help.
[Lobster Poachers] I was talking to a guy today that tells me he knows people who stocked up on lobsters this last weekend. That explains why on opening day I get out there at sunrise to find a bunch of heads where lobsters used to be. I have had two people tell me that FWC bent or broke the carapace on lobsters they caught so they could claim they were undersized and write a ticket. Maybe these scumbag poachers have the right idea–load up on lobsters while the FWC is not watching rather than competing with the masses on opening day and running a high probability of having your catch and everything else scrutinized by water cops brought in from all over Florida. Take a hint, FWC, it would be nice to have a few bugs left for the law abiding folks who wait for the season to open.
[Goliath Grouper Soon Legal] Why would you want to know what Goliath Grouper tastes like? It is entirely irrelevant. Say, what are you up to out there anyway? I suppose you want to know what Nassau Grouper tastes like too. Or green turtle meat.
[“Giant Snails”] I just watched a program about the giant snails that are coming to the Keys. Cayman’s eat them. I hope the idiots in the refuge won’t import Caymans to try to eradicate the snails.
[Sewers] The Sir Issac Newton Coalition absolutely blasted the DEP and FKAA’s dirty dealings with the public in a letter to Governor Scott. The letter discussed in some detail the unethical and illegal activities of these two State agencies, and the matter was referred to the Chief Inspector General for investigation. Read the letter at this link
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[Flat Tires No More] Ok, car buffs, what do you guys think about this technology?  No more Fix-a-flat, no more air compressors, no more spare tires, no more auto jacks, no more tools rattling in the trunk. Will it reduce the price of cars? Will it reduce the cost of roadside service? Will some businesses go out of business? They have been testing these for several years now.

Resilient Tech was developing them for the military. Michelin will put them on all our cars soon!

[“Seahorse Campground”] I went to the website of those trying (in vain) to save the park from closing. What a lame site. It is a total waste of their money and my time. Remove it or post some information, any information!
[Sewers] Bait and switch: I found the following statement in an engineering report from April 2009 posted on the DEP document system Oculus. “The collection system for the Cudjoe-Summerland WWTP is not yet constructed; however, it is believed that the majority of the new proposed collection system will be a vacuum type system because of the high groundwater table, though there may be some gravity and pumped flow portions.”
If FKAA had stuck to the plan, we would all be able to flush when the power is out and the system would have been more economical to build and much less of an environmental threat. (I have the engineer’s estimates to back the cost statement.) It is not too late to change if Dump the Pumps, Inc. can show the DOAH judge the facts about how seriously dangerous the current design is. Please support them
[Spy Plane] Boeing’s badass Phantom Eye spy plane completes taxi tests. Video
Is it possible to secure KWPD and FDLE emails related to Mr. Eimers‘ in-custody death?
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Florida man has Bentley logo tattooed on forehead. I think it’s safe to assume he doesn’t own a Bentley.
[Conspiracy] I think that US Fish & Wildlife along with Florida Fish & Wildlife dictate what the Florida Department of Health reports so that fishermen will not reel in blackfin tuna, cobia, barracuda, king mackerel and all species of shark. I hope that fishermen continue to reel in whatever the hell they want.  Don’t believe the propaganda, folks
god montage all

Jesus, Allah, Buddha, Mother Nature, the whole gang of gods want people to stop killing each other in their name. They say it’s embarrassing.

[Senseless Killing In Key West] An innocent man was killed while in the custody of the Key West Police Department. This disabled 61 year-old met his fate at the hands of police officers, as he laid down on the ground before them. This defenseless and helpless citizen, appeared compliant to all commands that were directed at him.

An onslaught of aggression was executed upon Mr. Eimers. He was face down in a prone position, with his arms extended above his head. He did not pose a threat to anyone.

The violent force exerted on him to effect the arrest, was not commensurate with the submissive actions demonstrated by the decedent.

It appears that the conduct of some police officers arresting Mr. Eimers were the source of his death.

It’s alleged that misinformation, as to the factual details causing the subject’s injuries, was given to the responding EMT’s. This may have cost him his life.

Rather than gathering witnesses and collecting statements capable of establishing a basis of fact, describing the tragedy that had occurred, it appears that the KWPD did their best to chase and scatter away all those who observed their actions.

A subsequent independent investigation suggests that two KWPD officers may have returned to the scene of this fatality, in an effort to silence all employees who witnessed this tragic incident.

It’s apparent from the start that the relationship formed between the KWPD and the FDLE, based upon their own guidelines, protocols, policies and common sense; violated the basic tenets required of any credible and reliable examination of the facts.

Along with witness statements that were not gathered, there was a credible eye witness with critical evidence, who apparently wasn’t interviewed. The medical examiner was denied these facts in determining the cause of death. Apparently, this information will not be included in the findings presented to the ‘grand jury’.

FDLE launched a pseudo investigation that violated several policies contained within their own Investigative Code of Conduct. Reviewing the data secured thus far, it suggests that either the KWPD and the FDLE are attempting to intentionally mislead or they have been grossly negligent

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I know I’m a day late for the 45th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing. But I just came across this photo and it really makes me think.
I am not going to re-elect any incumbents for any position at all for Monroe County. All new people, it has to be better than what we have. If you do not like any of the candidates, then do not reward the incumbent by re-electing that person.  Vote for a challenger.
This retired Border Patrol Officer explains the other side of the immigration crisis that no one in the mainstream media is talking about. Why are we inviting infectious diseases to mainstream in our U.S. schools? Video
imigration22[Immigration] I was in Winn-Dixie doing some shopping, when all of a sudden, a Central American man & woman come up to me and asked me a question in Spanish since they didn’t speak English. I always look for an opportunity to practice my knowledge of the Spanish language when possible, so I happily helped them in answering their questions for them.  Suddenly this non bathing trashy white guy comes up to us and says out loud, “You’re in America! Speak English, or go back to Cuba!” I looked him straight in his eyes and respond “First of all, I’m native American, I’m not from Cuba nor are these two people; and I bathe twice a day and brush my teeth 3 times a day. If you want to hear everyone speak English then go back to England!” Then he looks at me and tells me, “I’m not from England, I’m from the United States.” I then tell him, “Well that makes 2 of us then, right?” He then apologized and walked away after realizing that my English was better than his. Why can’t people just mind their business and let people live? Do you think that 100 years from now anyone is going to give a damn about what you believe is important to you today? 100 years from now your great grand children won’t know anything about who you were, and even more, they won’t even know your name.

People bring up the illegal immigration issue, and it has nothing to do with me or any other Spanish speaking person here in America. I also am against illegal immigration into this country, and in fact, Obama is not letting those children in, he’s having ICE send them back as he should do. But just because I speak three languages and Caucasian Americans refuse to learn any other languages, doesn’t make any of them more American than me. My ancestry is Taino & Hopi Native. My people were here first! I have many generations of veteran’s in my family who have fought wars in and for America.

Another fact is that the southern nation tribes were speaking their native languages plus fluent Spanish way before the English and Dutch settlers even thought about coming to America. By the way, I want to make it clear that the word “settlers”, needs to be changed to Dutch & English illegal immigrants. Don’t confuse the issues here. The reason why the rest of the world is turning their back on America is due to the arrogance and racist views of Americans today. The Anglo-Saxons always had to belittle others by giving non Anglo-Saxons names like Spics, Wetbacks, Redskins, Chinks, Niggers, Japs, Gooks, Wops, Ruskies, Camel Fuckers, Ragheads; and these same people are growing in power and are going to teach America a lesson, unless you begin to learn empathy towards others.

lower keys boat rental7.11.14
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[Lost in the fifties
] Another time, another place. Video
[Sewers] I am very pleased to report that Governor Rick Scott has ordered a review of the concerns that the Sir Isaac Newton Coalition expressed in a June 24, 2014 letter.  This letter identified concerns regarding the Cudjoe Regional Wastewater System that included:
Issue 1 – Extent of LPS Exceeds Public Notices
Issue 2 – Fabricated Economics
Issue 3 – Violations of Florida Records Request Act
Issue 4 – Violations of Professional Engineering Ethics Codes
Issue 5 – Violations of Sole Source Purchasing Rules
Issue 6 – FKAA Notice of Intent Published in Broward County Instead of Monroe County
Issue 7 – Concern that DEP Violates Rules
Issue 8 – Lack of DEP Oversight and Review
I would encourage a note to the Governor, thanking him for his great concern for the environment of the Florida Keys and good government in general.
[Sheriff Joe] I’ve been in his county since I left Key West. The AZ State Prisons are operated by for profit companies. Lousy ratings across the board, including costing the State big bucks. Escapes of real bad guys, high return inmate rates ( Joe is very, very low on all those). Joe’s many supporters have tried several times to convince him to run for Governor. He has declined because, “I love my job and the people want me to keep it.”  The whole country would be a much better place with a few more like Sherriff Joe, but he would be a real tough act to follow! Link
It’s Tuesday and you know what that means. It’s Pizza Day! Any 2 topping pizza all day today for $10 (eat in only). You’ve gotta’ love that.
Wednesday special: Shrimp and Grits
Thursday special: Tropical Chicken Wrap
Friday special: Panko Crusted Mahi with a wasabi sauce

hot-wingsDon’t forget about the crazy Texan’s challenge. His love for things hot and spicy and now his adding a xxx hot sauce for his famous buffalo wings. Springer challenges anyone to try it — if you dare. If you can eat 10 of these fiery hot wings, like you’re suppose to, with your hands, no utensils, he will give you a free drink of your choice to wash it down. Who’s up for the challenge?

There’s always something special at Springer’s.

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fish jumps eat
[“Can you eat jewfish”
] Jewfish is really a giant grouper. They tastes exactly the same and have exactly the same texture—only more of it.

If they legalize their capture they’d better have strict regulations because jewfish is the easiest fish to spear of them all. They come right up to you and look at you, which can be scary because they are usually bigger than you

[“Customer Complaints”] After working on cruise ships for several years, I believe all these foolish complaints and have seen worse. People are getting so introverted, they cannot see outside their bubbles and think their shiite does not stink. They also breed and vote too!
 The Democrat Mantra:

1. It’s all Bush’s failt
2. Bush did it first
3. R-a-a-a-a-a-cism

 <Lets see now if Obama responds better then Reagan did>

To the guy who said that, and also that *Anything more then talk will be a better response*…

You’re the hero, our nation’s ultimate patriotic friend – You should arm yourself, jump on a plane and take your wife, your kids, your grandkids, nephews, nieces, aunts, uncles, by the God church supporters, and all your shoestring relations over to Whowhatwhenwherehwyisstan and make your last stand in the name of humanity. Goodbye, good riddance…next up who wants to send our kids to oil war??? I can get you cheap tickets to the same place

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The problem the Republicans will have with the 2016 Presidential election is that all they have to field are their usual slate of goofballs.  The problem the Democrats will have is having to chose between two truly  wonderful  women.
heres not a more fun burr one can put in a Tea slurpers saddle then mentioning Hillary and her accomplishments.

I almost feel guilty. Its way to easy to wind them up.

I did it today also watch the angry response after I mentioned Reagan did nothing when the Russians shot down that plane when he was in the Presidents chair..

As always Reagans doing nothing will somehow be “Different”.

Its like the movie the Karate kid. “Same but different”.

To quote FTR, “Obama’s intentions are to drag our nation further and further down” Why?
from the right
On September 1st, 1983 the Soviets intentionally shot down a Korean Air Line 747, KAL flight 707. The act caused worldwide outrage.

President Ronald Reagan addressed the nation on September 5th saying, in part: “Let me state as plainly as I can: There was absolutely no justification, either legal or moral, for what the Soviets did. One newspaper in India said, “If every passenger plane…is fair game for home air forces…it will be the end to civil aviation as we know it.”

“This is not the first time the Soviet Union has shot at and hit a civilian airliner when it over-flew its territory. In another tragic incident in 1978, the Soviets also shot down an unarmed civilian airliner after having positively identified it as such.”

“It was an act of barbarism, born of a society which wantonly disregards individual rights and the value of human life and seeks constantly to expand and dominate other nations.”

kal007At the time of the Russian shoot down of KAL 007 the American public appetite for holding the Soviet Union in check was waning. The shoot down of 007 changed that. Reagan ratcheted up pressure on the Russians. Reagan deployed Pershing missiles in Europe in the fall of 1983. That meant that the Soviets were literally five minutes away from nuclear obliteration. Reagan forbade Soviet airlines from entering US airspace, and ended negotiations with the Soviets on several key issues. In November 1983 Reagan authorized NATO exercise Able Archer, which imitated a nuclear strike against the Soviet Union. It scared the pants off of the Soviet military. The Soviet barbarism had led to a hardening of the resolve of Reagan and the US people.

On March 23, 1983, Reagan had announced his plan to develop a “Star Wars” missile defense system, SDI. The public reaction was tepid. The shoot down of 007 led to increased public support of SDI.

Reagan’s rock solid response to the shoot down of 007 was one of the precipitating factors of the collapse of the USSR.

Now, let’s watch Obama’s response to third Russian slaughter of innocents whose only offense was flying in an airliner.. To date, Obama has given the murders short shrift concentrating his attentions on fund raising and golfing. He seems to have once again chosen to vote “present.”

email22Part 2) It is incredible, beyond belief, but the IRS is now telling Congress that even more IRS hard drives have crashed and the e-mails there on can’t be recovered. IRS Deputy Associate Chief Counsel Thomas Kane testified to Congress that even more IRS officials experienced computer crashes, bringing the total number of crash victims to “less than 20,” and also said that the agency does not know if the lost emails are still backed up somewhere. It beggars belief.

The new round of claimed computer crash “victims” includes David Fish, who routinely corresponded with Lois Lerner, as well as Lerner subordinate Andy Megosh, Lerner’s technical adviser Justin Lowe, and Cincinnati-based agent Kimberly Kitchen. If you’re interested in learning even more about the players and their roles in the game, I urge you to read the link.

The whole damned thing stinks worse every single day